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學術(shù)講座:External Source of Political Connection: Financial Advisor and Chinese Acquisition

學術(shù)講座:External Source of Political Connection: Financial Advisor and Chinese Acquisition

題目:External Source of Political Connection: Financial Advisor and Chinese Acquisition





Dr. XiaoGang Bi is the Assistant Professor in Finance at Nottingham University Business School (China), and research fellow in the Centre for Global Finance (GFC) and The Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP). Previously he worked in the Centre for Finance and Investment (Xfi) at University of Exeter (UK). 

Dr. XiaoGang Bi obtained his PhD degree from the University of Exeter Business School (UK). His research focuses on the area of Mergers & Acquisition, Institutional Investors and Behavioural Finance. He has published in leading national and international financial journals, and acts as a Principle Investigator for a Provincial Natural Science Funding project. His research has also been featured in the practitioner press, namely Financial Times (Chinese), Financial Times Investment Advisor, China Business Journal, and Journal of Investor Relations. He also acts as a referee for the reputable finance journal: Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Pacific Accounting Review, Review of Accounting and Finance, Review of Investment Studies and reviewer for Routledge Publisher. Academic research has been published in the Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Managerial and Decision Economics, Finance Research Letters and others. Prior to academia, Xiaogang worked for Pure Technology Ltd. in London. 

Dr. Bi also has rich industry experience, and work closely with Securities Companies and Asset Management Companies in China on various consulting projects, especially on Chinese SME’s      Private Placement Bond Issuing, Asset Backed Security (ABS), New Listing and Mergers & Acquisitions.