
錢震杰,Implications of GDP Accounting For Factor Income Share in China,China Economic Review,SSCI,2014-9-15

錢震杰,Implications of GDP Accounting For Factor Income Share in China,China Economic Review,SSCI,2014-9-15

錢震杰,Implications of GDP Accounting For Factor Income Share in China,China Economic Review,SSCI,2014-9-15。

內(nèi)容摘要:This paper investigates changes in GDP accounting in China that may cause movement in factor income share from three aspects: industry reclassification, value-added measure, and the accounting method of income components at institutional unit level. Particularly, this paper discusses the impacts on factor income share caused by the accounting of net interest payment and multi-industry businesses for enterprises, and the accounting of income components in individual economy. As a quantitative assessment, accounting method change in individual economy has caused the aggregate labor share of income to increase by 3–4.2 percentage points from 2007 to 2009.